A Place of Healing – A Voice of Hope.
A Litany of Hope and Healing for Women and Children Who Are Survivors of Domestic Violence
All: God hear us as we lift up our prayers.
One: For a world without domestic violence.
All: We lift up our hopes and prayers for your peace.
One: For all who suffer abuse within their homes.
All: Compassionate one, we pray to you.
One: For those who reach out to bring them healing.
All: Consoler and sustainer, we lift up our prayers.
One: For those who give voice to break the silence.
All: Hear our voices, O God, we pray.
One: For those who have the courage to break the cycle of violence.
All: Our fortress and strength, we pray to you.
One: For all people of faith who seek wisdom, show compassion, and seek to live justly.
All: Creator of life, we lift up our prayers.
One: For all who open their eyes, ears and hearts to be moved by the suffering caused by domestic violence in our world.
All: Our guide and our light, hear us now as we pray.
One: For all who offer places of healing, and voices of hope.
All: We give you thanks and praise.
This litany was composed by the Faith Relations Committee of Lydia’s House to honor its expanded housing program for women in transition and to raise awareness of the sin of domestic violence and the need for healing and justice. August 24, 2004
For a printable version of the litany that may be used for bulletin inserts, click here.